Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Appuntamento con #bookcitymilano

La fanzinoteca incontra Red Boots 💥 sabato mattina vi aspetto per una colazione insieme a La Pipette Noir presso la Biblioteca Zara. Faremo una chiacchierata a proposito di libri e illustrazione e presenterò il mio progetto di libri illustrati autoprodotti Red boots books portate la vostra tazza preferita, noi vi riempiremo di caffè e dolcetti vegan ♡ L'incontro è gratuito e aperto a tutti

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Mercatino in arrivo! 

Sabato prossimo ci sarò anch'io alla Stecca 3.0 per la versione autunnale del market FAME: mercato agricolo e artigianale 🍁 Porterò i miei libri autoprodotti redbootsbooks e poi stampe, disegni originali e un altro paio di novità che sto preparando 😊 

Qui l'evento facebook. Venite, venite che ci sono anche le caldarroste! 🌰🌰🌰

Saturday, September 10, 2016


My friend M. got married today! 💐 Loose portrait of the bride 💕👑

Wednesday, September 7, 2016



La raccolta fondi promossa da Handmade Italia prosegue e finalmente riesco ad aderire anch'io. Ho messo in vendita due esemplari di questa stampa - tiratura limitata, copie firmate e numerate - e donerò l'intera somma ricavata, eslcuse le spese di spedizione, al "Fondo Emergenza" di Save the Children Italia, a supporto dei bambini e delle famiglie colpite dal terremoto che ha recentemente sconvolto il Centro Italia.

Sono rimasti pochi giorni, l'iniziativa termina il 10 settembre!

#Earthquakeaid #aiutiterremoto

Monday, June 27, 2016

Song of summer

Un video pubblicato da Anna Masini 〰 Ninamasina (@ninamasina) in data:

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Love is a human right

Many people all over the world are celebrating ‪#‎pride‬ today 🌈 and yesterday the Stonewall Inn was designated National Monument of the United States

💛 💜 💙 💚 💖 

Happy pride everybody!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

For your wine

Tempo fa, ispirata da un racconto di Dickens, avevo disegnato una serie di ubriaconi con il naso lungo che vagavano in una Londra senza tempo.
Qualche giorni fa sono stati venduti dalla galleria Milonga Cornici Milano e, con questa cornice un po' seria, andranno a stare sulle pareti di una vineria.
Dove, a questo punto, andrò a bere presto anche io :)

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Some time ago, after a Dickens' tale, I painted a serie of big nosed drunk men in a timeless London. A few days ago all these drawings has been sold by the art gallery Milonga and are going to be hung in a lovely wine bar here in Milan. Where, eventually, I'm gonna get drunk soon :)

Monday, May 16, 2016

CHEAP | Festival

I'm among the selected artists for the amazing CHEAP | Festival which took place in Bologna at the beginning of May. All the selected posters will be printed b/w, 70x100 cm and displayed on a series of public notice boards in downtown Bologna. Which is, by the way, a city I ♡ so much.


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

COPRO CELESTE | red boots books

I've worked on it for more than three years - discontinuously.
It took me a while to find the right technique. And in the meanwhile, I've done a huge iconographic research, diving in the styles and in the dreams of so many artists.
It's my biggest picture book project so far and I've done my best to do it at best.

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di Ninamasina
Red boots books 2016

"La mia casa è sempre stata piccola. Mi piaceva stare lì, a giocare ai puntini."

☆ ☆ ☆

"My home has always been tiny.
I loved staying in there, playing dots."

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The book is on sale in my online shop and in several bookshops.

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in loving memory of David Bowie ☆

Monday, May 2, 2016

Hot off the press!

My new self-published picture book is hot off the press and ready to be stitched and hand-bound! 

Friday, April 29, 2016


I'm very proud to share my contribution to the US ‪#‎wewerestrangerstoo‬ campagin by Creative Action Network in collaboration with the ADL - Anti-Defamation League, who have teamed up during these Passover holidays aiming to shine a spotlight on the current crisis ☮ ‪#‎refugeeswelcome‬ ‪#‎nohate‬

** All the designs are available for sale as prints and more to support the artists involved, with a portion of proceeds also going to ADL to support its ongoing work on behalf of refugees **

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

ink blues

Negli ultimi mesi ho usato molto gli inchiostri e il colore blu - chine, ecoline ma anche tempere - sia per le tavole di Corpo Celeste, nuova pubblicazione Red Boots finalmente pronta e di prossima uscita, sia nel disegno libero e nelle ultime commissioni.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

100 best * 2015

So, this happened for real! I have been named one of the 100 best in the category of illustration for the year 2015. Many many thanks to Creative Quarterly Magazine and to all the judges!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

cactus cacti

Where are all these cactus going to?
New textile collection + new collaboration: more info soon!





Thursday, February 4, 2016


Carnival season and masquerades start today! 
And I have this fancy dressed kid featured in the Italian Illustrators annual 2016. Yay!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

CQ 100 best Annual 2015

Good news! Exciting news!
I have been selected as one of top 100 artists for the Creative Quarterly Annual 2015 and my work, including this portraits of Virginia Woolf and Tina Modotti, will appear in the CQ special 100 Best Annual publication, to be printed in March-April 2016.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Mito e Natura

I went to the exhibit 'Mito e Natura' a few days ago, and did this quick sketch at home, afterwards. Really loved so much all the vase-paintings and frescos of our ancestors!