Friday, April 29, 2016


I'm very proud to share my contribution to the US ‪#‎wewerestrangerstoo‬ campagin by Creative Action Network in collaboration with the ADL - Anti-Defamation League, who have teamed up during these Passover holidays aiming to shine a spotlight on the current crisis ☮ ‪#‎refugeeswelcome‬ ‪#‎nohate‬

** All the designs are available for sale as prints and more to support the artists involved, with a portion of proceeds also going to ADL to support its ongoing work on behalf of refugees **

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

ink blues

Negli ultimi mesi ho usato molto gli inchiostri e il colore blu - chine, ecoline ma anche tempere - sia per le tavole di Corpo Celeste, nuova pubblicazione Red Boots finalmente pronta e di prossima uscita, sia nel disegno libero e nelle ultime commissioni.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

100 best * 2015

So, this happened for real! I have been named one of the 100 best in the category of illustration for the year 2015. Many many thanks to Creative Quarterly Magazine and to all the judges!